📄️ Let's make a quest!
Let's get our paws wet with a deep dive into the Editor. In this tutorial, we will be making a small sample module to show off all the important features of the game and editor, to help you get started with creating your own adventures for Finmer!
📄️ 1 - An Unassuming Job Notice
All adventures start somewhere! We will need a way to start our quest off.
📄️ 2 - A Friendly Chat
The quest start is ready to go; now let's make a character who provides the player with information on the rest of the quest! The player will meet this character in North Finmer's inn.
📄️ 3 - The Campsite
Tobias mentioned the area to look for Theo would be west of town, so we'll add on to the directions at the crossroads south of Finmer. In the main game, this area is called Scene_RoadNorth, since it is the northmost part of the in-game road network.
📄️ 4 - Final Touches
To wrap up the quest, the player must find Tobias again and return the item to him. He had suggested that he would still be located at the inn, so we can reuse the TQ01PatchInn scene we created and add a new dialogue tree.