📄️ Scenes
The Scene system is the heart of the game. Scenes dictate what happens in the game, and so all other content comes together here.
📄️ Items
Items are anything the player or NPCs can equip, use, or carry in an inventory. They are used for story-relevant quest items, combat-influencing equipment, and shop merchandise.
📄️ Creatures
Creatures are things that can participate in the combat system. Each Creature has Health, stats determining combat effectiveness, and a set of flags that may override combat behavior. While Creatures are generally AI-controlled NPCs, note that the Player is also a Creature.
📄️ Journals
Journals represent notes that can be added to the player's journal. They are intended to be used for questlines, to guide the player and help them remember details, though the feature is not technically limited to that.
📄️ String Tables
String Tables contain game text, for display to the player. A table consists of a list of sets, each with one or more pieces of text in it.
📄️ Scripts
Scripts are blocks of Lua code that are loaded and run by the game engine as-is.