Scripts are blocks of Lua code that are loaded and run by the game engine as-is.
Whenever the player starts a new game - whether by creating a new character or loading save data - all Script assets are executed immediately in the global context.
Advanced users may find them useful for declaring global variables and functions. Anything that is defined in a Script asset, such as a function, will be available anywhere else in the game, such as in a Scene node. This makes them perfect for defining snippets of custom logic in one place, so that you do not need to duplicate them every time you need them.
You can also embed custom code in the scope of a specific scene, if you want.
To do this, go to the Editor Preferences, and tick the 'Show custom scene script header editor' option. The 'Custom Script' button will then show up in the Scene Editor. You may need to close and reopen the Scene asset. Anything written in this script can be referenced by scene nodes as globals or upvalues.
For example, you might have a Script asset that exports a function, like so:
-- Roll 'count' D6 dice, and return the sum.
function RollSomeDice(count)
local total = 0
for i = 1, count do
local roll = math.random(1, 6)
total = total + roll
return total
You could then call this function from anywhere, like in an 'Actions Taken' node script in a scene:
-- Roll and sum the dice
local my_roll = RollSomeDice(5)
-- Show the result on screen
LogRaw("I'm rolling 5 dice... the total is: " .. my_roll)
Load Order
By default, Finmer runs all Script Assets in an arbitrary order. This order might even change between consecutive playthroughs of the game. So, if one Script depends on global variables exported by another, there needs to be a guarantee in place that the Scripts run in the correct order. This can be achieved with the Load Order feature.
In the top right corner of the Script Asset editor, look for the Load Order
button. Here, you can specify relationships your Script has to other Scripts. For instance, you can specify that this Script must run before, or after, another Script. Of course, you can also reference Scripts from other modules that your module has configured as a dependency.
When Finmer starts up, it will attempt to resolve all such order constraints from all Scripts, to determine the load order that satisfies all constraints. There are a few cases in which this could fail. Specifically, there can be no cycles in the load order. For example, if A depends on B, and B depends on A, it is impossible to determine whether A or B must run first, because both options are wrong. In this case, the game will show an error message, so you can correct the problem.