Creature Interface
These functions and properties are members of Creature instances. You can create an instance of a Creature using the Creature()
function (see Asset Instantiation). The player character - obtained using the Player
global variable - is also a Creature, so you can use the same properties.
Note that a Creature object is also a GameObject, so you can use the GameObject interface as well.
Health- number - read/write
The number of hit points this Creature has left.
HealthMax- number - read-only
The max number of hit points this Creature can have. This is the sum of the Body stat and applicable equipment effects.
Level- number - read-only
The XP level of this Creature. Determines XP payout when defeated.
Strength- number - read/write
The Strength stat. Determines Attack Dice and Grapple Dice.
Agility- number - read/write
The Agility stat. Determines Defense Dice and Struggle Dice.
Body- number - read/write
The Body stat. Determines Swallow Dice and maximum Health Points.
Wits- number - read/write
The Wits stat. Determines combat turn order. Also used in exploration.
ESize- .Tiny
- 2 steps smaller than Medium.
- .Small
- 1 step smaller than Medium.
- .Medium
- Standard size. Player has this size by default.
- .Large
- 1 step larger than Medium.
- .Huge
- 2 steps larger than Medium.
Size- ESize - read-only
The character's body size. The table of acceptable values is shown above. This determines number of wins required to swallow prey (predators require fewer wins for smaller prey), and the max size of swallow or grapple targets.
IsAlly- boolean - read/write
Indicates whether this Creature is on the player's side in combat. Allies will attack enemies on their turn. The default is false.
IsPredator- boolean - read/write
Indicates whether this Creature is a predator. If true, the Creature may choose to take vore-related actions in combat.
PredatorDigests- boolean - read/write
If true, swallowed prey will take digestion damage each round. If false, it's all nice and cozy. Caution: If you disable digestion, you must manually script the encounter in such a way that the player is either released, or the combat ends. AI predators never regurgitate their prey, so the game would softlock.
EquippedWeapon- Item - read/write
Gets or sets the Item in the first equipment slot. A nil value indicates an empty slot.
EquippedArmor- Item - read/write
Gets or sets the Item in the second equipment slot. A nil value indicates an empty slot.
EquippedAccessory1- Item - read/write
Gets or sets the Item in the third equipment slot. A nil value indicates an empty slot.
EquippedAccessory2- Item - read/write
Gets or sets the Item in the fourth equipment slot. A nil value indicates an empty slot.
IsDead- (boolean) - true if creature has 0 HP, false otherwise
Returns whether this Creature currently has 0 HP.
- prey (Creature) - the other creature acting as prey
- (boolean) - true if specified prey can be swallowed, false otherwise
Returns whether this Creature is capable of swallowing the specified other Creature. Predators can only swallow prey of the same or smaller Size, and the prey must not have the 'Cannot Be Vored' override checked in the editor.
- target (Creature) - the other creature acting as grapple target
- (boolean) - true if specified target can be grappled, false otherwise
Returns whether this Creature is capable of grappling with the specified other Creature. Creatures can only grapple targets of the same or smaller Size, and the target must not have the 'Cannot Be Grappled' override checked in the editor.