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Messages & Logging

These are the basic functions for controlling text output in the main game screen.

  • key (string) - string table key to look up and log
  • color (Color) - optional - the color to draw with; default is white
Adds a message to the game window. The specified key is looked up in the string tables, and a random entry will be chosen. If the key cannot be found, a placeholder message is used instead. Color may be obtained using the Color function; see below.
  • message (string) - the full string to add to the game window
  • color (Color) - optional - the color to draw with; default is white
Adds a message to the game window. Unlike Log, this variant does not use string tables, and takes the final message as input directly. LogRaw(Text.GetString(key)) is functionally identical to Log(key).
  • r (number) - brightness of the red channel (0 to 255)
  • g (number) - brightness of the green channel (0 to 255)
  • b (number) - brightness of the blue channel (0 to 255)
  • (Color) - a table with three keys (r, g, b) describing the color
Returns a new color. You can pass these to Log or LogRaw to change the color of the text output. Note that you can also create colors by simply creating a table with three named keys (r, g, b).
This function is part of the Core module. (Hover for details)
Adds a horizontal bar (splitter) to the game log. Useful for visually distinguishing unrelated pieces of text. The game does this by default when switching Scenes.
Erases all text in the game log.
content features oral vore
content features anal vore
content features cock vore
content features unbirth
ending with player remaining alive or being released
ending with either endo or digestion, depending on some condition
ending with digestion and reformation
ending with fatal digestion (and a game-over)
  • predator (Creature) - the creature context whose name to display
  • label1 (EPreySenseType) - the warning type to display
  • label2... (EPreySenseType) - optional - another warning type to display
If the user has the preysense feature enabled, displays a customizable content warning. You can add any number of warning labels, they will each be displayed.
This function is part of the Core module. (Hover for details)