About Modules
The game uses assets to store information about the game world. Things such as items, creatures and places are assets. These are what you build in the Finmer Editor.
A group of assets together forms a module. In the Editor, you can open and edit one module at a time. For example, the 'Core' module contains all the content I made for the game.
The module system is designed to be plug-and-play. To 'install' custom content, all you need to do is drop the packaged module in the game's Modules
folder, and the game will automatically load it on startup. This makes it easy to distribute your custom content and modifications to others, should you choose to do so.
Flavors of Asset
The 'Your First Quest' tutorial will walk you through the important info about all of these assets one at a time, so feel free to just move on to the next page. The links below take you to detailed documentation, in case you'd like to browse anyway.
An asset can be any of the following types. Click the name of any asset to view the detailed documentation.
- Scenes describe an in-game location, event or dialogue tree. They state what happens when, and the options the player can click.
- Items describe anything a Creature can hold or equip. This includes consumables, quest items and equipment.
- Creatures describe a template for something that can participate in combat. These are only used for the battle system, 'real NPCs' just exist in Scenes.
- Journals describe quest logs that can be shown in the player's in-game journal.
- String Tables contain game text. Groups of strings are assigned to a key, and support built-in randomization.
- Scripts are raw Lua scripts. They are primarily useful for defining global tables and common functions.